Cogne is a 100 year old company with a global presence. In 1993 Cogne was taken over by Private Industrialists who set about making it a leader in the special steel business.


Cogne is represented by Virgo in India for the valve steel business. Virgo has been able to use the experience of Cogne from across the globe to ensure its strong presence in the Indian Automotive industry.


The Indian automotive industry is expected to grow and become a US $ 200 billion industry in the next few years. This is mainly due to the fact that global manufacturing companies are setting up shop in India by forming partnerships with Indian manufacturing units.


The Intake and Exhaust Valves of an automotive engine requires extremely high quality heat resistant steel, Cogne is a well known company that is able to produce this kind of steel.


Cogne has manufacturing facilities in Italy and China with sales across the globe.

For further information on Cogne, please visit

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